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Cultivating Leaders of Learning Organizations

Social Sciences


Over the last decades, there have been many changes in the business world that are associated with 52 percent of Fortune 500 companies either going bankrupt, being acquired by other companies, or ceasing to exist. One critical change is the transformation of the economy into a knowledge-based economy, where information and learning are key drivers of economic growth and productivity. In order to survive and thrive in this new business world order, many argue that organizations need to shift their focus to learning-related assets, eventually transforming into learning organizations. The purpose of this study is to explore how the concept of the learning organization is operationalized in practical terms in order to facilitate creating and nurturing it. While specific systems and processes are essential for its creation, the core of an organization is its people. My study examines the personal qualities that leaders of learning organizations should possess, and the techniques through which these qualities can be developed, through interviews with experts in the field, practicing the values of learning organizations in either academic or business contexts. The findings of this study suggest that curiosity, collaboration, self-awareness, and flexibility are the most essential qualities for leaders of learning organizations. These qualities can be developed through a variety of techniques involving asking questions, self-reflection, sharing information or engaging in conversation, stepping outside of one’s comfort zone, and practicing mindfulness.

Maria Christina Loi
Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Senior Thesis Completed in 2018
Advisor: Jeannette Colyvas
Major: Learning and Organizational Change
DOI: 10.21985/N2WB01