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Inequality in America and The Incarceration System

Social Sciences


My research paper focuses on inequality in America specifically covering the incarceration system and the intersection of race and the criminal justice system. This is an important topic to study due to the high number of racially diverse individuals that are disproportionally affected and incarcerated due to the inequalities in the crime and criminal justice system. To investigate the extent of the issue, ethnographic interviews were conducted in a diverse sample of people by asking a set of questions on experience related to race, crime and criminal justice. The qualitative information gathered from the interviews and from an online class database was in line with the literature on the subject, in that there is currently a widespread problem of inequality in America with regards to race in the crime and criminal justice system. Recommendations were made in light of the findings and one of which was the importance of policy adjustments in the incarceration system. Further research is required to look into why policy adjustments are not being made to successfully serve all members of the society.

Leila Al-Nuaimi
Northwestern University in Qatar
Completed in 2020
Advisor: Jocelyn Mitchell
Major: Communications
DOI: 10.21985/n2-ppyx-tk23